jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2007

Cálculos de prácticas de FV

Durante las prácticas se tuvieron que realizar diversos cálculos que sirvieron para la obtención de unos resultados a partir de los cuales se desarrollaron variadas conclusiones. El tema de los cálculos a partir de problemas suele ser una parte peliaguda del examen de prácticas, razón por la cual os dejamos algunos problemas ficticios con soluciones para practicar y autoevaluarse :

Para ver la presentación de los problemas en grande o descargártelo pulsa View, tras lo cual aparecerá la presentación con la opción Full para verla en pantalla completa o también Download para descargártela.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

Políticas en cultivos genéticamente modificados

Pego los dos primeros párrafos, el editorial completo publicado en Nature se puede leer pulsando aquí .

" Directive action required

Top of pageAbstractEurope's handling of applications to grow genetically modified crops amounts to bad governance.

It took many years of acrimonious debate for the European Union (EU) to agree a directive regulating the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops. In many member countries, the public was ready to accept genetic technologies in the service of medicine but not, as they saw it, in the service of the agricultural industry. That industry, aggressively in favour of GM crops, continues to be powerful and influential. European publics remain strongly opposed.

There was extensive consultation in formulating the directive, and science was recruited in support of each side. But six years after it was passed, not a single application has been approved for cultivation. Many EU countries are showing their continuing distaste for GM crops by refusing to grow the only one currently approved (authorized before the new rules came into effect), Monsanto's MON810 insect-resistant maize (corn). And last month, environment commissioner Stavros Dimas prepared to reject applications for two varieties of insect- and herbicide-resistant maize, from Syngenta and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, by inappropriately overturning the recommendation of his scientific advisers (see page 928).
Más información sobre políticas y entresijos europeos pulsando aquí, informacìón sobre España.